
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Critical Analysis of Article: “Reinventing Pakistan”

The article “Reinventing Pakistan” is written by a well-known Pakistani nuclear physicist and political defense analyst, Pervez Hoodbhoy. It was published in DAWN newspaper on March 23rd, 2010. Pervaiz Hoodbhoy is the professor of high energy physics and head of physics department in Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. Hoodbhoy is also a noted environmental and social activist and regularly writes on a wide range of social, cultural and environmental issues. He is the chairman of a non-profit organization Mashal, which publishes Urdu books on women’s rights, education, environmental issues, philosophy, and modern thought. He is an advocate for democracy in the country and a staunch opponent of militant Islam in Pakistan.
          The article is basically focusing the problems that Pakistan has been facing about its integrity and unity since independence. Writer is of the view that Pakistan has been a state since 1947 but has not been able to become a strong nation or even a nation. Missing is a strong common identity, mental makeup, shared sense of history, and common goals. He says that Punjabis prefer Pakistan over their province but people of Sindh, Balochistan and NWFP do not have the same approach. He also exemplifies the separation of East Pakistan.

           Then he discusses certain factors involved in making Pakistan a weaker nation. He criticizes the inequalities on economic and social basis, conflicts on ethnic and sectarian grounds, disloyalties and inefficiencies of leaders and the wrong use of religion by some people. Then at the end he gives several solutions to overcome these problems and make Pakistan a stronger nation. The article overall goes well and manages to keep the attention of reader throughout it.

           The article was written on March23 and its purpose was to make Pakistanis realize that now they need to think for Pakistan as a whole instead of thinking about their own respective provinces. Although the article was good but it has many weak points in it as well. In the very beginning, author takes a stance and says that people of provinces other than Punjab, do not have good feelings for Pakistan which is not true. There may be some people who think so but you can not say this for everyone. He must have given examples to support his point. There have been many instances in the past like war of 1965, the devastating earthquake of 2005 and many others where nation has proved to be as united as any other nation of the world. We have some ethnic grievances but it does not mean that we are not a nation. 

                There is coherence in the article but sometimes article lacks it badly. Author rejects his own ideas mentioned sometime ago. As in case of religion, he says that the separation of East Pakistan proved religion to be an illusion to be the binding cord for Pakistan and in the very next paragraph he admits that religion is still very powerful tool for the unity of Pakistan and in a survey three-quarter of Pakistanis take them as Muslims first and Pakistanis second.

          But author has raised a very valid point about religion as well. There are different religious sects in Pakistan who are always trying to prove each other wrong. In such a condition we do not know that which religious system or sect should be imposed. Should it be Sheas or Sunnis to decide the religious system? Whose sharia is the right one: Hanafi, Malikii, Hnablii, Shaffi? This weakens the power of religion as a tool for the harmony of nation and often creates big problems as we have witnessed many Shea-Sunni conflicts and murderous wars in the past.
          Hoodbhoy has missed the examples and logics while criticizing the things. He has just given his point of view and has not supported it through strong arguments. Even he has criticized Muhammad Ali Jinnah that his plans were ambiguously stated and he left behind no substantive writings. He says that his speeches are often driven by the exigencies of the moment and are freely cherry-picked today. But to support this point, author must have given some examples or sentences of Jinnah that has been giving double meaning.
          Then author comes to the point that although Pakistan has been facing problems but now the time is changing. Slowly but surely a Pakistani culture is emerging. Pakistanis watch the same television, read the same newspaper, use same products and face same problems of the irritating bureaucracy and corrupt leaders. This is helping to bind them in a strong relationship of nationhood. But then he immediately rejects his own stance in the very next paragraph which makes his article weak once more. First he was certain that Pakistani culture is emerging and we will become a strong nation but now he gives the examples of Soviet Union and Yugoslavia who became apart after seventy years, to say that nationhood is still not guaranteed.

            The good point of the article is that writer has not just criticized the things but has also given the solutions to solve the problems as well. He has talked about different steps in our social and economic systems that must be necessarily taken in order to overcome the monstrous problems and to emerge as a strong nation. All of his suggestions are very practical and will prove to be very helpful.

           First he says that we need peace and must control our internal murderous wars in order to draw our attention to other important issues. Army’s role should be limited to defending the country and safeguarding the constitutional and civil rights of citizens. Then he comes to economic justice which is very vital in order to make Pakistanis think as a nation. People commit suicides because of hunger, poverty, because they can not feed their children but no one cares. This creates a situation of hatred among people and it must be treated.

          Then he raises a valid point when he talks about the system of governance and social contract that must treat every citizen as equal and grant equal rights to everyone. At the end he comes to the most important and badly needed reforms; reforms in our education system. Our systems teach to mindlessly obey authority, to look to the past for the solutions of today’s problems and to be intolerant of religion, culture and language. Instead we should teach them to be enquiring, creative, open-minded and logical.

          So the article went well as a whole. Writer managed to attain the attention of reader from beginning to end, he did not merely criticized things but also gave the solutions, did not make the people desperate but also gave them a ray of hope and an agenda to work on and thus served its purpose very well.

Cruel Animal Testing Techniques

Testing and researching on something is known as experimentation. For centuries people have been testing and experimenting medicines on animals for the cure of certain diseases and then to apply the results on human beings. This approach is more traditional and less scientific in its behavior. Animal testing is a doubtful, inefficient and more or less a cruel technique. Whereas, non-animal techniques are more accurate, less time consuming and humane in manner. So, now the debate on this issue is increasing day by day and there is a number of doctors, scientists and researchers who tend to shift from these old techniques to more efficient, non-animal techniques. Animal testing has helped us in some of our researches but often it is misleading and less credible. Its failure outweighs its advantages and thus puts questions on its reliability. As new techniques are most logical so we should shift towards them.

Scientific history tells us that animal testing was done widely all over the world. According to the Greeks’ writing animal testing was started in second century and Aristotle was the first who used animals for experimenting for the very first time. Galen used to dissect pigs and goats, today he is known as the father of vivisection. Other animals which were used for experiments are mice, dogs, cats, rats, files, monkeys, primates.

Animal testing is done on false premises. They completely differ from human beings in many aspects of their life. They have different species. Their metabolic system is dissimilar to that of human beings. Life span of animals is also different. So, we can not apply the research achieved from animal testing to human beings. It will create doubtful results. Animal and human beings have different systems and these drugs will also have different effects. There have been many instances in the past when the drugs obtained from animal testing proved harmful to human beings. They not only failed to cure the disease but also caused side effects. For example the drug Thalidomide was introduced in 1970s in the markets of Germany. It was prepared from animal testing. It was meant to provide energy to pregnant and breast feeding women. But it served the converse. It affected the offspring of these women. Many deformed babies were born and many died. Another case came into sight when Clioquinal was brought in Japan. This drug was also a result of animal testing. Its purpose was to provide relief from diarrhea. But it also failed badly. It not only failed to cure diarrhea but even caused diarrhea itself and other extreme side effects of dangerous diseases of paralysis and blindness.

Some people argue that these cases were exceptions and animal testing served well as a whole. But facts and figures prove that the case was other way round. These drugs often caused side effects. According to an estimate every four person out of ten suffered from side effects. Lindane is used for treating lice and scabies. It was tested on rabbits. It proved to be non-irritative and curing for rabbits but caused irritation to eyes and respiratory passages of sensitive human beings.(in text)  Now a day many scientists and doctors also have the same opinion that animal testing gives doubtful results because of difference in systems of human beings and animals.

There is a misconception in people that if we stop animal testing, we will not be able to make progress in the field of medicine. Then the research will be done at the expense of human lives. But this concept has proved to be false. The method of medicine testing has developed a lot and scientists have come across many alternatives to animal testing. The new testing methods are more accurate, efficient and reliable. For instance, Embryonic stem cell test which uses mouse-derived cells to assess potential toxicity to developing embryos. It has been validated as a replacement for birth-defect testing in rabbits and rats. Another one is Photo toxicity test using cultured cells to cure the sun-light irritation to the skin. Human skin model test is also a good advancement. It has proved its importance universally as a replacement for skin decay studies in rabbits. Moreover clinical patch test in human volunteers is also used to confirm that a chemical will not cause irritation to skins. Thus we can use these methods and serve two purposes: animals can be saved and more accurate results can be derived.

Animal testing also often proves to be misleading. Most of the time we spend our resources and money on animal testing for the cure of certain diseases. We succeed in curing these diseases in thousands of animals and tests prove to be successful. Animal testing has contributed a lot towards the cure of small diseases and has helped in medical advancement. But in the cases of large diseases like cancer, heart problems and AIDS, this research fails to help us. When we try these medicines on human beings, they not only fail but even cause more severe side effects. In this way all of our time and money gets wasted. All research ends up futile and the whole time we spent on that research goes wasted. According to former scientific executive of Huntingdon Life Sciences “animal tests and human results agree only five to twenty-five percent of the time”.(in text)  So with the advancement of modern techniques, we should employ them in order to save our time and money and the lives of animals and human beings together.

Although these animal researches have shown many benefits for the whole mankind but they prove to be merciless for animals. A number of animals die in laboratory regularly because of experiments by researchers. These animals get tortured when so many cosmetics, drugs and other toxics are tried on them. The isolation of laboratories and the environment of social distraction is also harmful for animals. Surveys by the foreign agency reveal that in US about hundred million mice and 1014 animals are used in laboratories. Canada used 2.32 million animals in 2005, in which 50% were used for curiosity-driven researches, 35% for medical researches, 11% for testing and 4% were used for education purposes. It was also found from the report that in 2005, 167,000 animals in Canada were subjected to so much toxic experiments that caused severe pain. In UK, about 2.54 million experiments are done annually on animals, in which 51% are done for curiosity driven researches, 43% for veterinary researches, 4.3% for experimentation and 1.7% are done for teaching purposes. This report showed that hundreds of millions of animals are used throughout the world, which not only causes severe pain to animals but sometimes these animals are euthanized after being experimented.

         Comparative study of human beings leads to find out real causes of human diseases and these researches can be applied on other humans also because they all have same systems. This can also help to devise preventive measures. Epidemiological studies revealed the relationship between cancer and smoking and it came into view that there is no relation between them (Christopher). Likewise, the studies on human beings regarding AIDS also demonstrated the transmission of AIDS and other epidemic diseases from one person to another. It also helped to avoid this transmission. But animal testing did not provide any sound results regarding its handling and prevention. It has been reported by the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases that “more than eighty percent HIV vaccines that have been tested on animals have failed in human beings treatment”. (Clinical trial of HIV vaccines). A review of ten randomly chosen animal models revealed that they made a little contribution in the cure of diseases but often mislead the research.

        Willing persons suffering from a certain disease should be used as an alternative for the animal testing. The results produced from these researches will be more accurate as human beings have the same systems. It can also be used to devise preservative measures for this disease. This will save our lot of time and money. According to survey, every year, US vivisection industries spend more than eighteen billion dollars on animal experiments. US health section is world’s largest source that funds animal testing. We can save such huge amount of money by using the alternatives.

        There are a number of diseases whose remedies have been discovered without any animal testing or experimentation. These medicines are serving their purpose very well. Many phenomenons have been discovered with no testing on animals. Some are; production of Humulin, which is superior for human health than animal-derived sources, development of x-rays, the transmission mechanism of HIV virus and discovery of penicillin. So, if these medicines can be made, we can make many other as well. We should try to use the alternatives instead of just realizing on animal testing.

Written By: Nabeel Riaz (LUMS)

The Indus River Dolphin - A Fresh Water Endangered Dolphin

Indus River Dolphin, also called Blind Dolphin is one of the world’s rarest mammals andthe second most endangered freshwater river dolphin. Approximately eleven hundred (1,100) individuals of this species now exist which is far less than their former number. The species is characterized by a long beak, rounded belly, very small dorgal fin and large flippers. These animals have a uniformly gray-colour pattern having a pale white or pinkish underside that gives a slight counter-shading effect. As this species matures, the melon becomes less rounded. The teeth are visible in both upper and lower jaws even when the mouth is closed. This species is called Blind Dolphins because their eyes are poorly-developed, they lack a crystalline eye lens but it still uses its eyes to differentiate between light and dark. The eyes are extremely small, resembling pinhole openings just above the mouth.
            The Indus River Dolphin weighs 70-110 kilograms; maximum size is 2.5 meters (8.2feet). Their males are smaller then their females. A very unique feature of their swimming is their side swimming behavior. In its side swimming behavior, it enables itself to swim as shallow as thirty centimeters. As it swims, it trails a flipper along the bottom of the river. After thirty to sixty (30-60) seconds, when it needs to breath, it comes to the surface rotates upright to take in the breath and then as it swims back to bottom, it again rotates to ninety degree. This feature is not consistently seen in other dolphins except Ganges River Dolphin.

                 The Indus River Dolphin usually occurs in the deepest river channels and is less common in small channels and braids (animalinfo.org). Habitat preferences include channel constrictions, confluences and low-velocity deep water. It occurs in Indus River Delta and Rann of Kutch. It was apparently formerly distributed through thirty five hundred kilometers of the Indus River in Pakistan. It was present from the Himalayan foothills to the mouth of river Indus, and in the main tributaries from the Himalayan foothills to their junction with the Indus. By the early1970’s, its range sharply declined to less than seven hundred kilometers of the river length. The majority of the remaining population lived between Guddu and Sukhar barrage. The region still harbors the majority of the remaining population. As far as their social behaviour is concerned, they are usually encountered on their own or in loose aggregations; they do not form tight, obviously interacting groups.
                 The Indus River Dolphin usually feeds on different species of fish and invertebrates. It uses echolocation to find shrimp, fish and other prey in the bottom mud. It finds much of its prey at or near the bottom probing the river bottom with its snout and flipper.
             This species is fighting a hard battle of its survival. The species is in a great danger. Its number has sharply declined for the past few years because of numerous factors. The river Indus is becoming more and more dirty and the water is being distributed into canals and dams which is giving this species a hard time for survival. The basic reason for the decline of Indus River Dolphin was the construction of numerous dams and barrages back in 1930’s, which have fragmented the population and reduced the amount of available habitat.
           Another severe threat to its survival is probably the increasing withdrawl of water. Pakistan is an agricultural country and because of increasing population, there is a great demand for water. This is causing harm to the habitat of dolphins. Dolphins no longer exist in lower reaches of the river Indus because upstream water extraction leads downstream areas extremely dry for several months each year. Accidental capture in fishing nets and hunting for oil, meat and traditional medicines also had an impact.
           Many initiatives have been taken for the protection of this species. In 1972, dolphins were protected by the government of Sindh under the wildlife act of Sindh and in 1974, the river between Sukhar and Guddu barrages was declared dolphin reserve. The government of Punjab prohibited the deliberate killing of dolphins in 1974 under Punjab Wildlife Protection Act and established the Taunsa Wildlife Sanctuary in 1983 and Chashma Wildlife Sanctuary in 1984 (iucnredlist.org). Moreover, many international programmes have also been initiated. Indus River Dolphin Conservation Project (IRDCP) is supported by WWF-Sweden, WWF-Switzerland, Engro Food limited and Ministry of Environment Pakistan Waterlands Program. It is working to protect innate biodiversity of the lower Indus river ecosystem, and reducing the losses of Indus river dolphins by canals stranding through rescue operations. Another one is Conservation of the Endangered Indus River Dolphin (CEIRD) by WWF.
                 Thus Indus River Dolphins are a great gift of nature for Pakistan, which is being harmed by our own activities. So we need to work for their survival and protection in order to save this species from being called extinct.

Written By: Nabeel Riaz Sandhu ( LUMS ).

Critical Analysis of "A Tragedy Born of Military Despotism and Anarchy by Tariq Ali"

Tariq Ali, a member of editorial board of New Left Review and author of dozens of books, wrote an article named as “A Tragedy Born of Military Despotism and Anarchy” on December, 28 2007, a day after Benazir Bhutto’s assassination. In this article he writes about Military Rule, its involvement in Benazir Bhutto’s assassination and the difference in Benazir’s views before and after becoming the first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan.

                   He writes that an odd coexistence of Military despotism and anarchy created the conditions leading to her assassination in Rawalpindi. In past, Military rule was designed to preserve Law and order but today it is a cause of disorder and lawlessness in Pakistan. If we unveil those authorities who replaced major administration of Rawalpindi before PPP’s election rally in Liaquat Bagh on December, 27 2007, then we will easily disclose the truth behind the carefully organized killing of a major political leader and the identity of her assassins as well. According to the writer, some people assumed that the killers were Jihadi fanatics but the truth is yet to be revealed.

Pakistan’s first Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan was also killed in 1953 in the same place and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, father of Benazir Bhutto, became the victim of judicial murder under the oppression of Military in same city in April 1979. This death became a reason of bad relations between Pakistan People’s Party and the army in the coming years.

                    Moreover, the writer talks about himself and Benazir Bhutto being students of the  same university. Also, they both were the only Pakistanis who were elected as the president of Oxford Student Union. This personal relation of writer with her makes this article more authentic and interesting. But sometime he fails to elaborate and clear his points to the readers may be because he assumes the readers knowledge about the topic. He met her for the first time in Karachi when she was a teenager and later in Oxford. They both used to sit together and talk on issues related to Pakistan. In addition, the writer writes that her return after more than a decade in exile took place because of a deal with Musharraf (former president of Pakistan).  Furthermore, he says that Pakistan desperately needs a political party that can speak for the social needs of a bulk of the people.

         The purpose of this article is to highlight tyrant of Military rule and to make realize the importance of a major political figure, like BB for Pakistan and structural weaknesses of political organizations. Writer’s targeted audience is people who are interested in Pakistan’s politics and those who have concerns with Benazir Bhutto’s assassination. Title of this article is very precise and speaks only about the role of military in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

 This article was written very next day of Benazir Bhutto’s assassination, in very short span of time, comprising of thought provoking facts. He speaks about the involvement of Military in killing Benazir Bhutto and benefits that Military could gain from it. As he mentions in the sixth paragraph that the election of 2008 could be postponed, and the Military high command is no doubt contemplating another dose of army rule if the situation gets worse after death of Benazir Bhutto, which could easily happen. But at the same time he does not leave space for any other parties’ interest in Benazir Bhutto’s murder like PML (N), PML (Q) etc keeping in mind that PML (N) is also major beneficiary of this murder. The writer does not address this perspective. Also he does not discuss suspected role of Taliban and international forces.

                       Selection of words, by Tariq Ali, in this article is excellent. Article is not wordy at all due to good selection of words. This factor made this article attractive to me. Paragraphs are well composed by thesis statement, supporting points/material and conclusion. A very few points in article lack in supporting points, I will write on this issue later, beside this whole article is very well composed.

    Moreover, in some of his paragraphs, some lines are not coherent with each other. In one line he is talking about one issue and in very next line he talks about another issue without concluding last issue. Like the third paragraph’s second and third line. In second line, he is writing about her physical courage to refuse threats from local opponents. In the very next line he starts discussing rally in Liaquat Bagh. This leads to confusion while reading the article.

In some issues he asks a question and leaves it unanswered for his reader to conclude.  Like when he talks about involvement of Jihadi fanatics. He says this may well be true, but were they acting on their own? In this matter he does not clear his own view. Just by putting a question he leaves everything on readers.

Sometime he makes a claim on an issue but does not support that claim with evidences. Like in the third and ninth paragraph, he primarily says that she (Benazir Bhutto) lacked the political courage to defy Washington and later he claims that she made her peace with Washington, but in both cases writer does not support his argument with solid testimony. Plus sometimes information is not complete. Like he highlights that after the death of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto relations among Pakistan people’s party (PPP) and army became worse and during this time many of people were disappeared and killed. By giving exact facts and figures of how many people were disappeared, how many people were killed and who were these people, the writer can make his point clearer and more convincing to readers.
                      Article says that in the past, Military rule was designed to preserve law and did so for a few years. This point of view is not popular in Pakistan. General public opinion has been against Military rule from the very beginning. People of Pakistan believe that the Military always breaks the rules and disobeys the laws. In addition, Military rule is unconstitutional. On the same time he takes the words of people on the issue of foreign policy.

This article was a very timely one as the incident had just taken place a day before and people wanted to read about it. Given the limited time in which it was written, it’s definitely a commendable effort. Although, the writer is not very assertive, yet he leaves no space for other opinion. The author has given judgmental views without concrete evidences which weaken his point of view. The tone has not been monotonous anywhere in the article and tempts the reader to read on.  Thus, this article has a far reaching affect on the reader.

Black Water - A Private Military Company


Private military company (PMC) is a contemporary strand of the mercenary trade, providing logistics, soldiers, military training, and other services. Nevertheless, PMCs may use armed force, hence defined as: "legally established enterprises that make a profit, by either providing services involving the potential exercise of [armed] force in a systematic way and by military means, and/or by the transfer of that potential to clients through training and other practices, such as logistics support, equipment procurement, and intelligence gathering.” (Mercenary). Black Water is one such company that has gained fame due to its huge organizational structure and participation in many military operations throughout the globe.

                      Black Water is world’s biggest, richest, deadliest and most powerful mercenary army, which operates from United States of America and even the world’s sole super power has not got any tangible control over this army. It is a private held company and does not publish much information about internal affairs. Black Water was founded by Erik Prince as a contracting security agency in late 1990s. He bought six thousand acres (twenty four square kilometers) of land in Great Dismal Swamp, North Carolina for this purpose. He named it after the peat-coloured water of the swamp. It now also owns an airport at its Moyock, North Carolina facility, called Black Water Airstrip Airport (NC61). Erik Prince was a former Navy SEAL who attended the Naval Academy, graduated from Hillsdale College and was later an intern in White House during George H.W Bush’s era. These days he is a major financial supporter of Republican Party and it’s candidates.

                                 The purpose behind the formation of Black Water was to provide support to military and train law enforcement agencies. It usually hires retired army men but even at times it inducts villains and criminals from around the globe. Especially it targets poor countries in Asia and Africa. It acts as an NGO or welfare organization in these countries and recruits people by luring to send them to the land of dreams; United States of America.

Additionally, Black water consists of nine divisions. United States Training Centre (USTC, formerly Black Water Training Centre) offers tactics and weapons training to military, government and law enforcement agencies. Black Water Target System provides and maintains target range steel targets and a shooting house system. Black Water security consulting is one of the private security firms employed during Iraq war to guard officials and installations and train Iraq’s new army and police. Black water K-9 works in petrol capacities as war dogs, explosives and drug detection. Black water Airships, LLC was established in January 2006, to build a remotely piloted airship vehicles (RPAV).

Black Armored Vehicle was Black water’s own armored personnel carrier. Black water Maritime Solutions offers tactical training for maritime force protection units. In past it has trained Greek security forces for the 2004 Olympics, Azerbaijan Naval Sea Commands and Afghanistan’s Ministry of Interior. It was established in 1999 to design and build Black water Worldwide’s training facility in North Carolina. Aviation Worldwide Services (AWS) owns and operates three further subsidiaries.(“Black water: another aspect”)

                                      Black Water became defamed for its dark activities across the globe. It was involved in killing of many innocent people and numerous other illegal activities. Especially of its foul job in Iraq war. Blackwater’s personnel exceeded their powers and committed many actions that were against the human rights. Its license to operate in Iraq was revoked by the Iraqi government on September 1st, 2007, as a result of a highly contentitious incident that occurred the previous day in which seventeen Iraqis were killed. In this incident, Black Water employees used lethal force recklessly.

         Moreover, some evidences have been found of its involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan as well. Many people claim that it is working systematically here. One of the strong evidence is that some American personnel died in a blast in Deer, Northern area of Pakistan.(“Dawn News”) Many other suspected US citizens have also been traced by Pakistani agencies from various places which show some involvement of Black water in Pakistan. The authorities of Pakistan have not confirmed the presence of Black Water in Pakistan yet but it is a general perception in the public that Black Water operates here and is involved in different destructive activities which range from target killing to attempts at damaging the nuclear programme.
Initially, it was named as Black Water USA, but as its activities spread across the globe, it was changed to Black water Worldwide. Soon Black water’s name became so notorious due to its involvement in Iraq war and many other illegal activities, the company president Gary Jackson had to change the name to “Xe”. There are many opponents of Black Water in US itself.  On the frontline are some Congress members especially Bob Filner and several Environmental and Anti-war organizations.

                                 It is permanent to make such PMCs accountable to the rule of law. Specific laws should be passed by US congress which overlook their activities not only in its country of origin but also in rest of the world. The support provided by black Water to USA military is undesirable and the US forces would not have been so successful without their support. They have also remembered their services for peace in many countries which is appreciable. The need of the day is to efficiencies and shot coming of Black Water and use its potential in the best possible positive manner.

About The Author: Zafar Siddique is a current student of Finance at Lahore University of Management Sciences. His areas of interests includes Politics and Social Work. He is also a  member of the current Youth Parliament Pakistan.